Our Hospital's History, Purpose, and Values
About Us
Muenster Memorial Hospital
In 1958, the citizens of Muenster, not satisfied with available medical services, set out to build a new hospital. J.M. Weinzapfel donated the land and spearheaded the efforts to make the hospital a reality. In 1960, the Benedictine Order of Sisters promised Muenster residents that they would provide nurses to operate the hospital. Sister Mildred Felderhoff leads the way as the first hospital administrator.
"The mission of Muenster Hospital District is to promote health and wellness to our community through providing quality and personalized care in a trusted. Hometown atmosphere."
"Transforming the health and wellness of the rural communities we serve."
Integrity - Promoting the highest level of integrity to ensure public trust and patient confidence.
Compassion - Treating all people with the highest regard, respect, and dignity.
Public Service - Providing the highest level of professional services to the community.
Efficiency - Continually providing efficient use of time and resources at all levels.
Support - Creating an atmosphere of trust, support, and open communication.
MHD Hospital Board
Ronnie Weizapfel (Board President) May 2027
Aaron Hess (Board V.P./Secretary) May 2027
Anthony (T.J.) Walterscheid May 2025
Lisa Schilling, May 2025
Rita Russell May 2026
Don Richardson May 2026
Shane Clark M.D. May 2025
Marion Willimon Bruce MHD, CEO
Monthly Board Meetings occur at the MMH Administration Building on the dates listed on the main website page at 11 am.
Mailing Address
Muenster Hospital District
P.O. Box 370
Muenster, TX 76252
(940) 759-2271
​Email: [email protected]
District meetings schedule will be posted under Hospital News on the main site page.
Dr. Marvin Knight, the Crusty, Outspoken Cowboys' Doctor
With his white Stetson, Dr. Knight was a sideline fixture from the Dallas Cowboys days in the Cotton Bowl until he moved to his 2,600-acre ranch near Muenster in 1972. For years after his move to Muenster, many Cowboys players traveled there for surgery.
Whether it was a family member, a coach, or a player, Dr. Knight was frank, said his son, Dr. Marvin P. Knight Jr. of Gainesville. The doctor often found himself at odds with coaches who wanted players on the field, even though they weren't medically ready to play, the younger Dr. Knight said.